Harnessing the Power of

AI-Driven Healthcare Analytics for Accurate Insights


Unveil the potential of PDI's Gen AI solutions tailored for the healthcare sector. Through our Pharmacy Recommender, Intelligent Product Search, Clinic Operations Wizard and Hyper Personalized Omnichannel Campaigns, we elevate patient satisfaction, increase treatment adherence, and enhance healthcare outcomes. Designed to seamlessly integrate with existing healthcare systems, our AI-driven platforms guarantee competitiveness and innovation in the ever-evolving healthcare environment.


PDI Healthcare Clinic Operations Wizard

PDI Healthcare Clinic Operations Wizard stands out as an innovative and comprehensive operational efficiency engine for healthcare clinics. It empowers clinics to improve Revenue and optimize Expenses by leveraging a variety of advanced AI-ML models.

  • Predict & Plan for Patient No-Shows
  • Transform Appointment Scheduling
  • Optimize Patient Flow
  • Optimize Staffing Schedule

PDI Pharmacy


The PDI Pharmacy Recommender enhances pharmacy operations and patient experiences by integrating advanced, personalized recommendation models with existing systems, offering tailored interactions and product suggestions based on in-depth patient data analysis.

  • Patient Centric Healthcare
  • Enhanced Patient Insights
  • Seamless Integration
  • Future-Proof Your Pharmacy Business

Combined with the right data foundation and building a single source of truth


Composable Architecture

Reusable design pattern


AI Democratization

AI accessible to wide range of users



Scalable machine learning models


Decision systems

Fuel intelligent insights

Business Benefits:


AI can lead to a 30% reduction in diagnostic errors by providing physicians with data-driven insights and treatment recommendations.


Predictive analytics can reduce hospital readmission rates by up to 55%, allowing healthcare providers to intervene early and improve patient outcomes.


AI-driven drug discovery can accelerate the process by up to 30%, potentially reducing R&D costs and bringing new treatments to market faster

50 %

AI can cut administrative costs by 50% or more, streamlining tasks like claims processing and appointment scheduling.


Virtual Assistants can lead to cost savings of around 25%, as they reduce the need for in-person visits, lower overheads, and improve patient access to care.

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