Data Governance for end-to-end view of products !
A global pharmaceutical company that produces high -quality, affordable medicines for patients around the world. Client employs almost 8,000 people worldwide in manufacturing, R&D, and commercial operations. They also export to more than 100 countries and territories and operates in more than 45 countries
Project Goals
Client wanted to implement Data Governance solution including preparation, and implementation. Also, to have an end-to-end view of products and data governance management across the organization. Azure set up DevOps, Delta Lake, Set up of Data Governance tools, Dry run
Our role and services delivered
• PDI provided a methodology to select high-priority use cases that provided the business's      best value.
• Set up of all Informatica platform on Azure Cloud
• Details of the scanner connection, SSL, Service accounts, etc.
• Configure Scanner for each hop and harvest metadata.
• Manage Catalog links within Axon.
• Create Data Quality rules in IDQ.
• Use Axon Agent to deliver DQ rules in Axon
Project Results
• Helped customer uncover ROI centric DG & MDM use cases.
• Delivered services for MDM Implementation, Data Governance preparation, and Data      Governance Implementation to help customer leverage dashboards and data quality frameworks.
• Access to quality data across organization
