ICICI LOMBARD IDMC Modernization: Revolutionizing Cloud Data Management at ICICI Lombard


Mappings Automatically Converted


 Reduction in Integration Costs


Cost Savings in the Cloud
ICICI LOMBARD, one of the leading general insurance company in India, recognized the need to modernize its data management infrastructure to meet the evolving demands of the digital age. In partnership with PDI, an Informatica-certified implementation partner, ICICI LOMBARD embarked on a journey to migrate from its legacy Informatica PowerCenter environment to the cutting-edge Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) platform. This case study explores the successful migration project, highlighting the challenges faced, the solutions implemented, and the benefits realized.
The rapid evolution of technology necessitates that businesses adapt and innovate continuously. This case study explores the paradigm shift towards cloud computing, a fundamental transformation in IT resource management. McKinsey's research highlights the potential of cloud adoption, particularly for Fortune 500 companies, suggesting an unlocking of over $1 trillion in value by 2030 through 700 use cases.
“Migrating to IDMC from Informatica PowerCenter ensured a seamless transition of our decades of data integration workload into a modern administration-free platform with better performance. We were able to harness our team’s extensive experience with Informatica low code, no code products and retool our employee base with relative ease. The migration factory from Informatica and the Data Validation Framework from PDI, our chosen System Integrator, ensured we didn't have to change any of our business logic and validate the data in an automated and auditable way using the new cloud platform.
A migration of this scale was not a small and easy one. But PDI who worked on it were always ready to be flexible as and when we requested. This team went beyond their commitment and delivered this project within the timelines we wanted them to complete, and this does not happen very often. We are fortunate to have worked with this amazing TEAM PDI who delivered what they promised”
Yatish Bhatia 
Vice President – Technology, ICICI Lombard
Innovating Cloud Modernization with AI-Powered Automation
ICICI Lombard experienced escalating demands on its data management infrastructure as the insurance industry witnessed a surge in data volume, diversity, and the pace at which it needed to be processed. Transitioning to a cloud-based platform posed a significant challenge, requiring careful management to minimize disruption and maximize efficiency.
Maximizing return on investment (ROI) was paramount, necessitating a balance between modernizing the data infrastructure and optimizing costs. Flexibility and scalability were crucial to adapt to the evolving data landscape and accommodate business growth effectively.
Managing massive data volumes while maintaining stringent data security and compliance with regulations emerged as key concerns. Seamless integration of the new cloud-based platform with existing systems without disrupting ongoing operations was deemed essential to maintain business continuity and efficiency. Ensuring data quality and consistency throughout the migration process was crucial to mitigate risks of errors and disruptions to business operations.
Addressing cost and resource management was imperative, considering the expenses associated with hardware, software licenses, and skilled resources required to maintain the legacy environment. Strategically managing these considerations played a pivotal role in ICICI LOMBARD's efforts to modernize its data infrastructure effectively. By navigating these challenges thoughtfully, ICICI LOMBARD aimed to enhance its operational efficiency, adaptability, and compliance with regulatory standards, thereby ensuring its continued success in a dynamic and data-driven industry landscape.
“Informatica empowers us to effortlessly build and scale across various HyperScaler (AWS/GCP/Azure etc), enhancing our efficiency, reducing implementation costs, and accelerating our time to market for new customer services”.
Yatish Bhatia 
Vice President – Technology, ICICI Lombard
Leveraging PDI's proficiency in cloud modernization, Informatica IDMC Platform, PDI orchestrates a seamless transition for ICICI Lombard

ICICI Lombard embarked on a strategic collaboration with PDI to facilitate a smooth transition from their existing Informatica PowerCenter to the advanced Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) platform. This move is in step with the broader industry shift to cloud-based solutions and promises a host of benefits. The project began with a meticulous assessment and Planning phase under the guidance of PDI. During this initial stage, PDI evaluated the existing PowerCenter assets, undertaking a comprehensive analysis that included mappings, workflows, sessions, and more.
  • The project began with a meticulous assessment and Planning phase under the guidance of PDI. During this initial stage, PDI evaluated the existing PowerCenter assets, undertaking a comprehensive analysis that included mappings, workflows, sessions, and more. This led to a well-crafted migration plan detailing the necessary timelines, resources, and strategies for risk mitigation. PDI's recommendation to adopt the IDMC platform was based on its powerful data management capabilities, which are well-suited to meet ICICI Lombard's future requirements. The ensuing Data Migration phase was carried out with precision, involving the conversion and integration of data assets. PDI employed its Informatica Intelligent Migration Factory expertise to automate the migration process while also manually redesigning select assets to ensure seamless integration into the new cloud environment.
  • The validation of business logic integrity was crucial. PDI compared target tables, made necessary adjustments for endpoint changes, and verified data consistency to prevent any loss of functionality. Furthermore, they reorganized ICICI Lombard's data management structure for enhanced efficiency, focusing on mappings, users, access control, and the best practices for organizing business units, applications, and ETL loads into coherent projects and folders. As ICICI Lombard's teams were being trained on the new platform, PDI was preparing the system for production. They transitioned ICICI Lombard to production readiness, updating schedulers, scripts, and security standards, and implementing REST-based API scheduling to ensure a smooth operational transition.
  • Finally, PDI optimized the system to enhance efficiency, tuning performance, and applying best practices to ensure that ICICI Lombard's modernized data management platform operated at peak performance. This end-to-end journey equipped ICICI Lombard to independently manage the IDMC platform, with PDI providing ongoing support and monitoring to ensure continued success post-migration.
Fostering an environment for innovative breakthroughs in cloud technology.
Male Indian Computer Scientist With Tablet Giving Presentation to Diverse Team Of Data Analysts In Front Of Big Digital Screen In Monitoring Room. Colleagues Listening To Training On Automation.
ICICI Lombard's strategic migration to the Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) platform from Informatica PowerCenter has realized a multitude of advantages. The transition enabled an expedited time to market, with the capability to reuse up to 100% of PowerCenter assets, thus accelerating the shift from on-premises systems to the cloud. This swift transition significantly reduced development efforts, easing the load on system administrators and decreasing administration overhead.
  • Moreover, the shift to IDMC mitigated risks related to downtime and streamlined the testing and deployment processes. Skilled technical staff was freed from maintenance tasks, allowing them to concentrate on strategic initiatives and foster a more efficient development workflow. The adoption of the cloud-native IDMC platform has led to substantial savings by eliminating maintenance costs associated with on-premises PowerCenter systems. This shift has reduced capital expenses tied to physical hardware and infrastructure, as well as operational costs related to power, cooling, and data center space, offering a scalable and cost-effective solution.

  • Data-intensive projects have seen a faster time to value due to IDMC's comprehensive features, enhancing operational efficiency and expediting project milestones. The IDMC platform's scalability and flexibility have minimized financial risks, optimizing expenditure by adjusting Informatica Processing Unit (IPU) usage to real-time needs and aligning cloud service consumption with budgetary requirements.
  • With the migration, ICICI Lombard has also improved its data integration capabilities, unifying data sources, reducing silos, and enhancing data quality. The platform's capacity for real-time data processing and analytics has empowered the organization with more rapid decision-making abilities. Furthermore, the scalable nature of IDMC ensures that ICICI Lombard remains agile and prepared for future growth, responding effectively to evolving market conditions. Lastly, the overall cost savings from the migration have been considerable, reflecting reduced expenses across hardware, software licensing, and operations. ICICI Lombard's strategic decision to migrate from Informatica PowerCenter to the Intelligent Data Management Cloud (IDMC) platform, in partnership with PDI, exemplifies its commitment to staying at the forefront of technology adoption. 

  • This migration not only addresses the immediate data management challenges but also positions them for long-term success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. The case study highlights the meticulous planning, seamless execution, and substantial benefits realized through this transformative journey, offering valuable insights for organizations considering a similar shift towards cloud-based solutions in pursuit of operational excellence and competitive advantage.
 *ICICI trade logo displayed above belongs to ICICI Bank and is used by ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. under license and Lombard logo belongs to ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd
